Jane Matsumoto is a subject matter expert on fare payments technology including systems that enable open architecture back office systems with multi-channel media choices and multi-device vendor options and alternatives


Over 20 years of public transit experience

Implemented Los Angeles County’s Regional TAP smart card based fare management system

Expert in fare management systems, advising on alternative technology choices for fare management.

Ms. Matsumoto also directed the transformation of cash and paper fare collection to an automated fare system for LACMTA and 10 public transit agencies in Los Angeles County with the implementation of the Transit Access Pass (TAP) smart card.  LA County has the largest volume of multi-agency transactions on a regional smart-card based operation in the United States currently performing financial clearing and settlement.

This comprehensive fare system includes the following efforts:

  • Delivered a program covering a vast geography and retail sales network that harnassed colleges, employers, paratransit services, multiple school districts and municipal jurisdictions on a single fare payment card.
  • Implemented barrier gates into a legacy “proof of payment” rail system and introduced a hybrid open light rail and gated subway fare payment infrastructure.
  • Mandated the interface of two competitors to utilize a single proprietary system that enabled regional customer service operation to support over 600 retail sales outlets, a regional call center and 650 discrete fare products.
  • Implemented the first Near Field Communication (NFC) hand-held validation device for fare enforcement; negotiated terms with major provider on 1,000 cell phone devices.
  • Launched the first pre-paid debit card co-branded with Visa for the under- and unbanked transit community in the US.
  • Supplied the first paratransit solution to the public transit community utilizing the single TAP – Visa card for use in fixed-route service and commercial taxi cabs.
  • Delivered the largest regional bus-based smart card system with integrated fareboxes in the United States, including Los Angeles Metro’s fleet of 2,800 buses as well as 1,000 buses among other operators in the region.
  • Introduced smart card sales on board Los Angeles Metro’s total fleet of 2,800 buses, the first in the United States to sell unloaded initialized cards on board buses in service.



UCLA Anderson School of Business Certificate, Project Management 

UCLA Anderson School of Business Certificate, Transportation Leadership Academy 

University of California at Los Angeles, Bachelor of Arts, Oriental Languages